Cash Flow Planning For Happiness

What is a Behavioral Cash Flow Plan?

Behavioral Cash Flow Planning is a written document including specific advice on personal spending based on a standardized process that takes into account your income, expenses, proximity to retirement, your short term goals, assets and liabilities and recommend how much you can spend on the things you can control in order to achieve your dreams.

It includes specific and clear advice on both spending and debt repayment. A Behavioural Cash Flow Plan is NOT a budget. It is a plan that helps manage your day-to-day cash flow. It is a plan that takes into account financial obligations, and provides guidance on future costs like purchasing your next vehicle, handling emergencies and planning for major expenses such as renovating with the exact amount you should focus on spending with expenses you can control.




Smarter Spending
With A Certified Cash Flow Specialist.

"I have debt, but I also want to save for my future?"

"I make good money, but I'm not sure where it goes at the end of the month."

"I'm nearing retirement, and I'm not sure if there is anything more I can do to prepare."

Sound Familiar?        

Certified Cash Flow Specialists are trained in behavioral cash flow management, which considers spending behavior while managing day to day cash flow.

Work with a Certified Cash Flow Specialists and you will get to start building a cash flow strategy and gain access to CacheFlo. Keep track of your financials and get personalized spending advice in the palm of your hand.

    How can a behavioral cash flow plan benefit me?

    • Find you the money to fund your dreams!
    • Show you how to save tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in inefficient interest.
    • Help you stop money leaks on stuff that doesn’t matter so you’ve got lots of money for the stuff that does.
    • Finally tell you what TO DO, not just what to buy!

    What does a behavioral cash flow plan include:

    • A letter of engagement outlining the process and commitment of all parties.
    • A written report that is easily understandable and referenced on a regular basis.
    • Exactly HOW to alter your debts and cash flow patterns to achieve your dreams.
    • A review process including a refreshed written plan.

    Getting Started

    • We will have a quick conversation to discuss whether or not a cash flow strategy is right for you. From there we will invite you to ‘Winton’ to create a Cacheflo account. If we are confident we are able to make a big difference in your finances we will go over the things you really want from your money right now.

    • We will then show you how meeting short term goals again and again for fun things like renovating your kitchen, or a dream vacation, are actually the key to help you fund your long term dreams.

    • Finally, once we are all on the same page we will create a written plan to show you exactly how to reach those goals.